Free English classes with Trinity College London trainee teachers

Free English Classes? Yes, you read that right: THESE CLASSES ARE COMPLETELY FREE FOREVER.

At EBC, we are here to help you conquer English once and for all. Discover all we have to offer and put your English skills to the test today!

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Free English Classes Online
Free English Classes Online
Free English classes with Trinity College London trainee teachers

Free English classes with Trinity College London trainee teachers

Yes, you read that right: THESE CLASSES ARE COMPLETELY FREE.

Wherever you are, you can learn English with us at no cost. Enjoy online lessons in our Zoom virtual classroom with trainee teachers from Trinity College London.

At EBC, we are here to help you to conquer English forever. Discover all we have to offer and put your English skills to the test today!

What are the key benefits for you?

What are the key benefits for you?

Accessibility: These English classes remove money barriers, letting you learn no matter your financial situation. They also allow people from different backgrounds to join, making the class more diverse and enriching everyone’s learning experience.

More Opportunities: Knowing English opens many doors in education, jobs, and travel. Free English classes can help you get better job offers, continue your education, and improve your global communication skills.

Building Community: Free classes help create a sense of community. Students from various backgrounds come together, share their experiences, and support each other in their learning journey. A sense of community can be very motivating and helpful for learning English.

Motivation and Confidence: When you don’t have to worry about the cost, you can feel more relaxed and motivated to learn. This positive environment can boost your confidence in using English in real-life situations.

Flexible Learning: Free classes, especially online ones, offer flexible learning options. You can choose class times that fit your schedule and learning level, making it easier to balance other commitments while improving your English.

Practical Use: Many free classes focus on practical language use, like conversation skills, everyday vocabulary, and real-life situations. This helps you quickly use what you’ve learned in your daily life.

Lifelong Learning: By offering free classes, schools and organizations encourage lifelong learning. This can inspire you to keep improving your skills and knowledge long after the classes are over.

Global Citizenship: Learning English can help you feel more connected to the world. Free classes empower you to join international discussions, access global media, and better understand different cultures.

Free English classes give you the tools to improve your language skills and open doors to personal, professional, and social growth. These classes are a valuable resource for anyone learning English to enhance their life.

Why Are Our English Classes Free?

Why Are Our English Classes Free?

The secret to effective language learning lies in having teachers who can expertly convey their knowledge to non-native speakers.

Our free online English classes are led by trainee teachers working towards the prestigious Trinity CertTESOL, one of the world’s two leading, British Council accepted certificates for teaching English as a second language!

To earn the Trinity CertTESOL certification, our teachers must complete at least six hours of teaching English to non-native speakers.

Unlike many language schools that only require their teachers to be native English speakers (regardless of their teaching experience), EBC has a rigorous selection process. Beyond proving their English proficiency, our trainee teachers must also demonstrate essential teaching skills for instructing English language learners.

Only those who are genuinely prepared, whether native speakers or not, receive the training needed at EBC to become exceptional English teachers accredited by Trinity College London.

Additionally, since most of our trainee teachers are native English-speaking teachers, you can practice listening to various English accents.

Seize this opportunity to express yourself verbally, improve your listening skills, and overcome the fear of speaking English with our free classes!

Free English classes with Trinity College London trainee teachers

Genuine English Classes – Always Free – No Tricks

Our free English classes are designed to fulfil two fundamental needs:

  1. free English language learning for anyone eager to learn English and
  2. helping our trainee teachers get the necessary practice hours to earn their Trinity CertTESOL.

Attending our free classes allows you to improve your English skills without spending money. Meanwhile, our trainee teachers gain the professional experience they need to achieve international certification, enabling them to teach English worldwide.

Please take advantage of this unique opportunity to enhance your English skills while supporting our trainee teachers in becoming certified English teachers.